Summer Coding Camps
An informational guide on summer sessions

Summer is a great time to start learning how to code. There are summer coding camps available that will teach you the basics of coding. Our camps offer sessions for kids as young as 6 years old. This will give them the opportunity to learn how to code while having fun.
Online Summer Coding Camps are a great way to spend the summer. Our Online Coding classes for Kids are now open for registration! Get your kids something useful and engaging to do during the summer break. Due to our daily instructions and the number of sessions offered it is easy to complete a full 4-level course during summer vacation and go back to school in the fall with completely new skills!
Here is some information on what and how Technology Summer Camps for Kids work:
- classes meet daily every weekday for two weeks for a total of 10 instruction sessions
- sessions are offered at various times throughout the day for your convenience, at 9 am, 11 am, 2 pm and 4 pm
- class duration is 1.5 hours
- All classes (Scratch Jr., Scratch, Web Development, Python, Java and Cyber Security) and all levels offered